15 Arab Motorists Attack Jewish Shepherd on Highway 449 in Binyamin

2 months ago 114

Photo Credit: Moshe Shai/FLASH90

Israeli shepherds herd their goats.

A Jewish shepherd left Malkiel’s farm in Binyamin with his flock of goats on Sunday morning, leading them on the shoulder of Highway 449 which connects the Binyamin Regional Council to the Jordan Valley. Before long, when he was still quite close to the farm, six vehicles stopped on the road next to him and about 15 Arabs got out of them and started throwing stones at him. At one point, they got right up to him and started punching him. Soon, a truck driver joined them and ran toward the beaten shepherd with a knife.

Gabriel Kalish, security coordinator of the Mevot Jericho settlement near Malkiel’s Farm, described the rest of the event: “As soon as they started attacking him, the shepherd reported the incident to the security forces, who arrived at the scene as quickly as possible. One nearby farm owner arrived first, and the rioters, realizing that additional forces were on the way, got into their vehicles and fled in different directions.”

According to Kalish, the only one who did not have time to escape was the truck driver, who was arrested by the security forces. The shepherd was slightly injured and was treated at the scene.

Can someone report the incident to the Biden folks, maybe they’ll start a dossier on “Palestinian violence?”

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