Chilli roast vegetables with toasted seeds and tahini yoghurt

3 months ago 141

Wrinkly radishes, limp parsnips, neglected heels of butternut squash, lonely Brussels sprouts ... cooked this way they segue from tired to tasty. Roasted seeds provide crunch and yoghurt gives delicious creaminess. There are a few components to pull together, but this dish delivers maximum flavour for relatively little effort. Terrific served with flat bread.


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/350°F/Gas mark 4. For the vegetables, set a large toasting tray set over a medium heat on the hob and add the butter. When melted, stir in the sweet chilli sauce, olive oil and lots of salt and pepper. Stir well and cook until slightly reduced and sticky, then remove from the heat.
  • Add the vegetables to the tray and toss so everything is coated.
  • Roast for 40 minutes, shaking the tray halfway through, or until the veg are tender (the exact time will depend on how small you have chopped the veg). Leave to cool a little.
  • Meanwhile, mix the seed ingredients together and spread out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Slide onto a rack below the tray of vegetables. If this isn’t possible, just set the baking sheet on top of the roasting tray.
  • Roast the seeds for 10–12 minutes until golden, then remove from the oven and set aside.
  • Mix the ingredients for the tahini yoghurt together with salt to taste and chill until needed.
  • To serve, spread the tahini yoghurt over a serving platter and top with the roast vegetables. Scatter over the toasted seeds. Serve immediately.

Try ...

Sprinkling dukkah over the vegetables instead of the seed mix. Or ... use almond or peanut butter instead of tahini mixed into the Greek yoghurt.

Adapted from Second Helpings (Quadrille)

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