Throughout 2024, as the dollar outperformed against most major currencies, the shekel-dollar rate has been relatively stable, closing up 0.027% today at NIS 3.647/$.
In 2024, the dollar had its strongest year since 2015, gaining over 7% against the world's major currencies. But despite the war, the shekel matched the US dollar over the past year. In the weeks following October 7, at its weakest the shekel-dollar rate reached NIS 4.08/$ only to recover to NIS 3.627/$ by the end of 2023. Throughout 2024 the shekel-dollar rate has been relatively stable, closing up 0.027% today at NIS 3.647/$.
The shekel outperformed against most other major currencies, opening the year against the euro at NIS 4.074/€ and appreciating to NIS 3.796/€ today. Against sterling the shekel only strengthened slightly, opening the year at NIS 4.621/£ and closing today at NIS 4.574/£.
Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on December 31, 2024
© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024
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