Everyone’s in a Rush – Parshat Chayei Sarah

2 months ago 98

Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Everyone seems to be in a rush this week. Eliezer runs towards Rivka. Rivka hurries to serve Eliezer, and proceeds to run to and from to the camels. This is following in the footsteps of Avraham last week, who ran to take care of the Orchim (guests), following the practice of זריזין מקדימין למצוות, that he was known for (Psachim 2b).

Running comes up time and again in Sefer Bereishit. Even Lavan runs, as he rushed toward Eliezer. Rashi points out that this running was done with negative intentions, as he was looking for riches. The Sforno likens Lavan’s pursuit to a paparazzi, to see the “celebrity”. The Gemara teaches לעולם הוי רץ לדבר מצוה (Brachot 6a)- We should always run for a mitzvah, even on Shabbos!

I saw a little advertisement stating that procrastination is not laziness, but could be a sign of depression. We should perform Mitzvot B’simcha, with alacrity.

Other endeavors should also be done quickly, without dilly dallying.

Indeed it’s good to follow the guidelines of Mesillat Yesharim emphasizes זריזות, alacrity, acting with a purpose, doing things right and do things early. With this way, as we show our excitement for the mitzvah, it will be done better and b’ezrat Hashem all will come out for the best.

Shabbat Shalom.

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