How ‘masculinity’ influencer Dan Bilzerian fell down a ‘brazenly antisemitic’ rabbit hole

3 months ago 284

Dan Bilzerian, the American poker player-turned-influencer and, more recently, unapologetic antisemite, made headlines this week after an appearance on Piers Morgan’s Youtube show Uncensored on Tuesday where he said that “the Jews” killed John F. Kennedy in an Israeli Mossad operation.

He also called Epstein Island a Mossad operation, insisted "Jewish supremacy” is the greatest threat to the world today, and said October 7 was “not nearly as bad as what they say.”

Such statements may come as no great surprise to those familiar with Bilzerian, a “masculinity influencer” and Instagram playboy frequently pictured with gaggles of mostly naked women on yachts for the amusement of his nearly 32 million social media followers. In recent months, Bilzerian’s entire feed on X/Twitter has been comprised of antisemitic conspiracy theories and virulent anti-Israel remarks and, a la Trump, he has rebranded himself as a firebrand for telling the truths that mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about.

Dan Bilzerian and Piers Morgan during an interview on Uncensored on Tuesday, 12 November, 2024. (Screenshot via YouTube)

Dan Bilzerian and Piers Morgan during an interview on Uncensored on Tuesday, 12 November, 2024. (Screenshot via YouTube)

“Every single person that’s been critical of Israel has either been killed or thrown out of power and I don’t think that is a coincidence,” Bilzerian said during this latest interview with Piers Morgan, which marked one of Bilzerian’s most mainstream appearances. “Israel has dirt and blackmail on our politicians, that is the only way to explain why they put the interest of Israel above our country.”

The Florida-born 43-year-old added that he believes “Jewish supremacy is the greatest threat to America,” and that Judaism is a “terrible religion.”

Bilzerian also called Hamas “a resistance organisation” and claimed the reported rapes perpetrated against Israelis by Hamas on October 7 were “Israeli propaganda.”

He argued that Jews killed JFK and Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, were responsible for the Iraq war in 2003, led the Holodomor genocide in Ukraine, created the “transgender nonsense” because the first person to open a transgender clinic was Jewish, and generally “mass murdered Christians.”

Bilzerian, who positions himself as an expert on Judaism and its undisclosed malignancy, showed signs of antisemitism and bigotry as far back as 2010, when he posted on X: “A Mexican, a Jew and a colored fellow walk into a bar... The bartender looks up and says...Get the f*** out of here.”

Then, in 2011, he levelled up to conspiracy theories: “Heading to LA, thinking about driving in case the Jews repeat their attacks of 9/11,” he wrote in a tweet.

Heading to LA, thinking about driving in case the jews repeat their attacks of 9/11

— Dan Bilzerian (@DanBilzerian) July 21, 2011

He has since repeated myriad conspiracies about Jewish power and false flag operations that supposedly shaped global politics to benefit the Jews, reinforcing the antisemitic trope of the many-tentacled Jew with a finger in every pie.

Bilzerian also wrote that Germany’s banking system “flourished” during its most intense period of antisemitism when Hitler expelled Jews from the profession and said the same occurred in Spain from 1492 when Jews were kicked out of the country, an event which he believes spurred Spain’s “golden age.”

That’s actually decidedly false. At Germany’s peak of antisemitism when Hitler removed jews from the banking system Germany flourished and in 1492 the year Spain expelled the jews was exactly the start of their 167 year golden age.

— Dan Bilzerian (@DanBilzerian) October 19, 2024

In more recent months Bilzerian, who continues to promote his multimillion-dollar cannabis company Ignite International Brands Ltd, has targeted the Jewish holy book Talmud, posting to his 1.8 million X followers inaccurate and contextless graphics about the Talmud, using it to suggest Jews not only think of themselves as superior to the rest of humanity, but also that they are pedophiles who justify the genocide of all gentiles.

“I’ve been researching religions & I have to say, I’m repeatedly shocked by Judaism,” Bilzerian wrote in a post earlier this month. “Their bibles have morally repugnant teachings which have long been kept secret...Their Talmud (Jewish laws) openly has two sets of justice, and says it’s ok to lie, cheat and steal from non-Jews. The Mishneh Torah says if a Jew rapes a 3 yr old non-jew, the baby should be executed for causing the Jew to rape her.

“These books teach tribalism, deceit, a victim narrative, and supremacist mentality. It’s being carried out to a T in Israel today. The most insufferable part is how they commit atrocities while pretending to be the victims and then expect sympathy.”

The Talmud is, after the Hebrew Bible, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology. Until the advent of modernity, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and…

— Dan Bilzerian (@DanBilzerian) August 18, 2024

While it takes most people seven and a half years to properly study the Talmud, a complicated text comprised of many moral and philosophical arguments between Jewish scholars, Bilzerian seems to have become an expert on all 2,711 pages thanks to a few quotes he found on Wikipedia.

When, during Tuesday night’s interview, Piers Moran asked Bilzerian what he would say to Jewish people “who may watch this and be utterly horrified by what they’re hearing”, Bilzerian was unfazed:

Dan Bilzerian at Ignite International Brands, Ltd's Valentine's Party in 2020. (getty)

Dan Bilzerian at Ignite International Brands, Ltd's Valentine's Party in 2020. (getty)

“They can be horrified. I mean, I was horrified to find that they mass murdered Christians, I was horrified to find the things they teach in the Talmud, I was horrified that they think that Jesus is burning in shit in hell, I was horrified that they think the Virgin Mary is a whore, I was horrified to learn that they think it’s okay to steal from gentiles.”

“We’ve been programmed that it’s okay and Jews are the chosen people and I just disagree with that,” Bilzerian went on. “I don’t like what they’ve done, I don’t like what their religion preaches, I don’t like what’s going on in Israel, I don’t like their influence over our government.”

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