SPAR expansion in Israel stalls

3 months ago 177

The Dutch retail chain's plans to open a store in Beersheva have fallen through leaving the Kfar Saba store as the only branch, although talks are underway for outlets in Tel Aviv.

Six months after Dutch retail chain SPAR opened its first branch in Israel in Kfar Saba, an agreement to open its second outlet in Beersheva in the coming few months has been cancelled.

The store had been scheduled to open before the end of the year in Ispro Planet commercial center in Beersheva's Kiryat Yehudit but a dispute between the parties has led to a cancelation of the agreement, and opinions are divided over the reasons for the cancelation. There have been mutual recriminations between Ispro (TASE: ISPR and SPAR franchisee Amit Zeev with each claiming the other violated the contract.


Thus the SPAR branch opened in Kfar Saba in March 2024 at an investment of NIS 10 million remains the only outlet of the Dutch retail chain in the country, despite a target to open 10 branches in three years.

"Globes" has learned that the company is conducting negotiations to open three stores in Tel Aviv - two of them 250 square meters in size and the third with 1,000 square meters of space. If the talks are successful then the three stores could open in the coming months.

Other agreements have been signed for a branch in Kiryat Ono, which will open at the end of 2025 and for a branch in Kiryat Yam, which will open in 2026. Each store will have 1,000 square meters of space.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on November 13, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

 Galit Hatan

SPAR store in Kfar Saba credit: Galit Hatan

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