Protesters urged equal military service for unity and Israel’s defense, rejecting exemptions.
By EVE YOUNG NOVEMBER 11, 2024 19:34 Updated: NOVEMBER 11, 2024 19:45Dozens gathered in Jerusalem Monday to rally against a bill that would exempt ultra-Orthodox from an IDF draft, at a protest organized by Religious-Zionist women organization Shutafot Lasherut (partners in service).
Protesters held signs saying, "The blood of our combat soldiers is crying out," and "those who believe don't dodge the draft."
The organization includes women whose families have been drafted for over a year, and they called on the public to join their protest.
"We as religious women know and believe that it is a commandment from the Torah to draft to the IDF," the organization said in a statement. ""Everyone must get under the stretcher and shoulder the burden together. No sector of Israeli society can be exempt through one law or another, nor receive benefits for avoiding military service. We believe that the ultra-Orthodox public can and should enlist, with adjustments made by the IDF to accommodate them. This is essential for the unity of the people and the defense of the State of Israel."
Noah Mevorach
Noah Mevorach, another leader of the forum whose husband has served as a doctor in combat for 240 days, called on politicians to get involved. "We call on every minister and member of Knesset who is a zionist - let the voice of the public who serves be heard and stand by us. We won't give our approval for draft dodging from the IDF."