Thu: Camtek, Nova surge; El Al decline continues

3 months ago 152

The main indices fell further today to end the week flat, as the banks remained weak.

The main indices on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange fell today. The Tel Aviv 35 Index fell 0.72%, to 2,260.49 points; the Tel Aviv 125 Index fell 0.51%, to 2,294.82 points; and the BlueTech Global Index fell 0.22%, to 423.51 points. The Tel Bond 60 corporate bond index fell 0.08%, to 374.71 points. Turnover was NIS 4.96 billion in equities, and NIS 5.08 billion in bonds.

For the week, the Tel Aviv 35 Index was flat. The index is up 21.22% for the year to date.

On the foreign exchange market, the representative shekel-dollar exchange rate was set 0.22% lower, at NIS 3.6460/$, and the representative shekel-euro rate was set 0.06% lower, at NIS 3.8452/€.

Bank Leumi led trading today, and fell 0.63%. Bank Hapoalim fell 0.67%; Discount Bank fell 1.49%; Mizrahi Tefahot Bank fell 1.88%; and The Phoenix Holdings fell 2.64%.

Notable advancers today were Plasson, up 9.96%; Magic Software Systems, up 7.21%; Palram, up 6.03%; Nova, which yesterday announced the acquisition of German company Sentronics Metrology for $60 million, up 5.22%; and Camtek, which announced orders worth $50 million for its new Hawk product, up 5.14%. Energean fell 5.1%; Blue Square fell 3.93%; Bet Shemesh Engines fell 3.58%, and El Al also fell 3.58%. El Al ended the week 20% down, as foreign airlines began to announce their return to Israel.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on November 28, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

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