Top Ofsted marks for Charedi school in Gateshead

2 months ago 79

A Strictly Orthodox special educational school in Gateshead has been ranked outstanding at its latest inspection by Ofsted.

Inspectors were uninstinting in their praise of the independent Haskel School, which has 20 pupils aged from five to 19, commenting on its “extremely high” expectations for pupils.

The school “exudes calmness, joy and positivity”, Ofsted said.

“The care, support and guidance that pupils are given here helps to break down any barriers to learning that pupils may have. This helps pupils to achieve extremely well,” the inspection report said.

The school had previously been rated outstanding but dropped to “good” three years ago. Now it has reclaimed the top inspection grade — overall grades are still awarded to independent schools but not state schools.

Pupil behaviour is “exceptional” and their attendance “very impressive”. Pupils “thrive Pupils thrive on known structures for learning, clear instructions and kind, caring interactions with staff.”

The preparing for adulthood curricu lum was used “exceptionally well”, Ofsted noted.

Respect and other fundamental British values are interwoven through all aspects of learning and activity in the school. Pupils learn about different faiths and cultures beyond their community through visits and visitors to the school.”

Haskel’s chair of governors Rabbi Avrohom Sugarman received an MBE in recognition of his educational work three years ago.

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